Help for entering securities account transaction types
Use these links to select the securities account transaction type for which you require help with entry:
- Purchase
- Sale
- Final maturity
- Delivery
- Delivery
- Splitting
- Free shares
- Nominal value changeover
- Subscription rights discount
- Pool factor repayment
- Exercising derivatives
First enter the date and the security to be exercised in the "Exercise derivatives" dialog box. The "Purchase" (or "Sale" for sales options) dialog box then appears automatically. The relevant underlying value of the option or warrant is then preset.
- Fund reinvestment
Here you first post the fund distribution as Yield. The "Fund reinvestment" dialog box then appears automatically (corresponds to Purchase).
- Exchange of securities
The "old security" is first deposited at Delivery and then the "new security" is deposited. The "securities swap" transaction type therefore generates Combined transactions.
- Deposit transfer
The "old security" is first Delivery and then the "new security" is Delivery . The transaction type "Depotumbuchung" therefore generates combined transactions.
- Reimbursement of securities
- Reimbursement reinvestment
The first step here is to create a Reimbursement of securities. The "Refund reinvestment" dialog box then appears at Purchase for the fund. The "Refund reinvestment" transaction type therefore generates Combined transactions.