Custody account transfers are deposits or withdrawals by a holder from one of his custody accounts to another. There are tax-relevant differences between this figure and the incoming and outgoing deliveries. The prerequisite is, of course, that the holder has at least two custody accounts.
The historical purchase price on the historical date is relevant for tax purposes when transferring securities accounts. The historical purchase price indicates the price at which the securities were originally purchased by the holder; the historical date shows the date of purchase.
To carry out a securities account transfer, proceed as follows:
Open the "Enter transactions" worksheet as described in the section Enter transactions and select the desired holder if necessary.
Open the DEPOT menu in the "Enter transactions" worksheet.
Use the keyboard to enter a securities account transfer with the "Enter transactions" worksheet open as follows: Press the key combination <CTRL>+<1> for the securities account transaction types. Then press the <T> button.
The "Outbound delivery" dialog box appears, as you must first enter an outbound delivery for a securities account transfer.
Enter the security to be transferred in the "Selection" input field. Tip: To do this, use the "Select security from portfolio" icon.
Select the transaction currency.
Confirm the entries with the "Next" button. The next page of the dialog box appears.
Enter the number of units to be delivered (the total number of units contained in the securities account is shown) and the valuation price.
The amount payable for these deliveries is zero, unless you specify fees, brokerage or expenses.
Confirm your entries in the "Delivery" dialog box with the "Enter" button.
The "Deposit" dialog box now appears. The holder, transaction and the security to be deposited are pre-assigned.
Select the securities account to which the security is to be deposited. If this holder only has one other custody account, this one is already selected. If there is more than one, a random selection is made. Check the details and confirm them with the "Next" button. The next page of the dialog box appears.
The number of securities to be delivered is preset.
Confirm the transaction with the "Enter" button. The Infront Portfolio Manager carries out the securities account transfer.
Depot transfers appear in the list of recorded transactions as combined transactions: Deposit transfer outbound and deposit transfer inbound. Please also read the section Combined transactions.
If you have licensed the "Cost service" module and have an Internet connection to the service, you can also download the associated costs directly from the cost service. If necessary, please also read the section Transactions and cost service.
Depot transfers of short positions
To make securities account transfers of short positions, proceed as for "normal" securities account transfers (see instructions above), but when the "Delivery" dialog box appears, select the transaction type "Deposit" in the "Transaction" field at the top, as you must first make the deposit and only then the delivery.
Custody account transfers at portfolio or custody account level
If the evaluation is performed at portfolio or securities account level and the "Historical deposit" checkbox on the "Historical values" tab of the "Deposit" dialog box is deactivated, the following applies:
In the past, the cost price was used as the reclassified value for calculating income and performance in these cases. These cases are now calculated in the same way as an exogenous delivery.
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