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Adjustment interface

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

Once the investment agent has been configured for a portfolio, a portfolio and weighting comparison can be carried out. The comparison can be carried out individually or for many portfolios simultaneously.

To do this, either open an "empty" template via the ribbon as described above and drag portfolios into the portfolio list or open the workspace of a portfolio, a holder, a group or a portfolio filter and switch to the "Transactions" worksheet and then to "Rebalancing" (or "Reallocation").

The rebalancing form that opens is a template of the type "Portfolio rebalancing. It is divided into three areas:

  • Portfolio list (left)
  • Key figure range (top)
  • Position overview

The form makes it possible to carry out the comparison portfolio by portfolio and to edit it manually. During post-processing, item sizes can be changed and new items can be added. Information that is necessary for post-processing (restrictions, tax deadlines, etc.) is part of this view.

Once the rebalancing proposals have been viewed and processed, they are confirmed and the corresponding orders are included in Order book . From there, the orders can be exported collectively.

Portfolio selection: Based on the rebalancing log, you can set up filters that show all of an advisor's portfolios that still need to be processed for the currently planned rebalancing date.
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