Portfolio list in the portfolio rebalancing tool
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
After opening the window for a group or a filter, all portfolios contained are compared step by step. Depending on the number of portfolios to be calculated, this may well take some time. In addition to the names of the portfolios, the portfolio list also displays a status symbol that indicates errors and the processing status. In addition, the reallocation rate, i.e. a percentage figure that indicates the reallocation requirement for a portfolio, can be found here as a key figure.
If the portfolio rebalancing tool is used as a mass rebalancing tool, each new portfolio is always added and appears at the bottom of the portfolio list.
However, if the portfolio rebalancing tool is used as an investment proposal tool with the "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module activated on its own, only one portfolio will appear in the portfolio list at any one time. Newly added portfolios then always replace the previous ones.
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