Select portfolio in portfolio list
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
In the portfolio list, you can select one or more portfolios whose matching result and order list are confirmed collectively.
- Simply select a portfolio with a mouse click.
- You can select several portfolios under each other by selecting a range. To do this, click on the first portfolio and hold down the <SHIFT> key while clicking on the portfolios below.
- Select several portfolios that are not directly below each other as follows: Click on a portfolio and hold down the <CTRL> key while clicking on the portfolios you also want to select.
- To remove selected portfolios from the selection, hold down the <CTRL> key and click on it.
To select all portfolios, select the SELECT ALL command in the context menu. All portfolios that are not marked as "Deleted" are then selected.
If there is an error status for one of the selected portfolios (red icon), none of the portfolios will be saved and a message will be displayed.
If the orders are to be saved for several portfolios, confirm the corresponding query. Only then is the order list saved.