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Data display of the portfolio list: Simple view

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

The portfolio list on the right-hand side of the portfolio rebalancing tool provides all the data you need to assess whether manual intervention in the rebalancing results is necessary.

Use the "Show extended data" icon to switch between the "Simple view" and the "Detailed view".

In the simple view, you will see the following columns:



Here you can see the name of the portfolio (similar to Explorer). You can also recognize the status of the portfolio object by the respective symbol.

Calculated" status (initial status)

<No icon>

Status "Not calculated"

Removed" status

Processed" status: Orders were saved for this portfolio in one order session.

Status "Edited and then changed manually" (save changes if necessary)

Error and hint icons

The various symbols in this column provide you with details:

Fatal error, calculation has failed

Errors that require manual intervention, e.g. subsequent entry of securities accounts or clearing accounts

Warnings for: Cash in the red, sale of uncovered units, data status "incorrect" for portfolio

Warnings for target deviation on positions and cash


Investment agent is currently blocked

Planned rebalancing date has not yet been reached

If you point to an icon with the mouse, a list of the corresponding errors and notes is displayed as information.

Regrouping rate

The resulting order volume as a percentage of the portfolio volume.

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