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Position overview

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

All old and new asset items can be found in the item overview. The table is also used for direct manual post-processing of the regrouping proposal. The contents of the columns "Order items", "Order securities account" and "Clearing account" can be modified for this purpose.

  • In the settings of the rebalancing tool, an asset classification can be selected under "Group display by classification", which is used to group the instruments. You open the "Portfolio rebalancing settings" dialog window via the "SETTINGS" icon on the "Portfolio rebalancing" tab.
  • The instruments of the liquidity module are displayed in a separate "Liquidity reserve" group regardless of this setting. Cash also has its own group in which all accounts are listed in the evaluation and account currency.

The following columns are shown for each item:



The name of the security and, if applicable, the securities account or depository. If there are more separate positions of the same security in different depositories, these are displayed in groups.


The ISIN of the security.


The security identification number of the security.


The actual position of the security, for new positions this is zero.

Market value

The actual value of the item in evaluation currency.

Abw. Weight by order [%]

The percentage deviation of the actual weight from the target weight. Deviations outside the tolerance are marked in red.

Position icons and
Message icons

On the one hand, the position icon shows the direction of change of the position (closing, reduction, increase, new position), and on the other hand, corresponding icons are used to indicate blocking or applicable position restrictions.

In detail:

New construction
Increase (purchase)
Reduction (sale)
Restriction violations
Stock restriction violations lifted

If there are both locks and restrictions on items, only the lock icon is displayed in the item list. If you point to the icon with the mouse, the restrictions are also displayed in the information window that appears.

Target order items

The number of units to be ordered in order to obtain the target holding according to the investment agent.

Order items/balances

The currently planned quantity of the order to be executed.
The content of this column can be edited. Changed values have a darker background color. If the order book of the portfolio does not contain any entries and the portfolio is not yet marked as matched (see Adjustment protocol), this column is pre-assigned with the target order pieces. The color of the column is blue in this case.

If the matching process has already been carried out or if there are orders in the order book, the order book content is resubmitted and the column has a beige color in this case and is now called "Orders (planned)". If these orders have not yet been forwarded or exported, they can be edited further and changes can be saved again.

Order entries are rejected if the actual position and order sizes do not correspond to the security denomination. Corresponding messages are then issued. When entering the order units, the denomination is therefore not rounded automatically.

For accounts, the resulting account balances are listed by order (no input option).

Order depot

The securities account to which the order relates. This can be edited for new items. Missing depot details are marked in red.

Clearing account

The clearing account of the order. Missing information on clearing accounts is marked in red.

Course date

The date of the valuation price of the position. If this was more than 3 days ago, it is marked in red.


The total turnover of the transaction.

Abw. Target weight [%]

The percentage deviation from the target weight, i.e. the difference between the target weight according to the investment agent and the target weight according to current planning.

MM-Talk: RBATargetWeight - RBAPlannedWeight


The actual weight of the position.

MM-Talk: RBAWeight

Target weight

The target weight of the position by investment agent.

MM-Talk: RBATargetWeight

Weight by order

The resulting weight of the position after order execution.

MM-Talk: RBAPlannedWeight

The content of this column can be edited. Changed values have a darker background color. When such a change is made, the setting in the "Denomination" field on the "WM" tab in the securities master data is also taken into account and the values in the "Order units/balances" column are calculated accordingly (and rounded if necessary).

Stock open

The pending position in the order book.

The open position includes orders with the order status "Released", "Open", "Executed", "Sent" and "Accepted".

Target stock

The target portfolio of the position by investment agent.

Any rounding scheme defined in the investment agent configuration also applies to the values in this column.

MM-Talk: RBATargetQuantity

Stock by order

The target stock according to current planning (e.g. also including manually changed order items), i.e. the resulting stock of the item after order execution.

MM-Talk: RBAPlannedQuantity


The price of the security in evaluation currency.

Estimation course

The price of the security in evaluation currency after slippage has been offset.


The estimated cost of the transaction based on the savings rate set when configuring the investment agent.

Open sales [evaluation currency]

The equivalent value of the planned orders in evaluation currency. In the account area, the amounts add up depending on the billing account.

Course [Anl.-Wg.]The price of the security in investment currency (from column "Anl.-Wg.").

Investment amount

Enter the desired investment amount in this column for amount orders for funds or certificates.

Please also read the section Amount orders.


The investment currency of the position.

Here you can, for example, specify the currency for the investment amount of amount orders if the currency of the standard valuation place of the security differs from the evaluation currency of the portfolio rebalancing. By default, the column shows the currency of the default valuation place of the security from the master data. To change the investment currency for an item, you can select the desired currency in the corresponding table cell in the "Anl. currency" column using the integrated selection list.

For positions opened via loaded order sessions, the currency previously saved with the order session is shown here by default. This may therefore differ from the currencies described above.

When these amount orders are transmitted to the order book, the information on the investment currency selected here is also supplied and saved with the order.

Exchange rateThe exchange rate of the selected investment currency to the set evaluation currency of the portfolio rebalancing.

Holding period [days]

The expected holding period in days.

This is calculated by the stored standard formula, if applicable, and can also be supplemented, edited and saved with the order session for the respective position by entering it directly in the table cell.

Please also read the section Configure standard formula for holding period.

The accounts are listed individually under "Cash" in the account area of the item overview.

You can hide and show some columns in the item overview. Read the following section Showing and hiding columns in the item overview.

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