Settings in portfolio rebalancing
Central settings are available for configuring portfolio rebalancing.
You can access the "Portfolio rebalancing settings" dialog box via the "Settings" icon on the "Portfolio rebalancing" tab when the portfolio rebalancing tool is open.
Here you will find the following setting options:
Element | Description |
Rebalancing mode | Select the desired rebalancing mode here.
Basic configuration | Only in "Manual" mode for ad hoc reallocation or ordering. Select the desired basic configuration from the selection list. The basic configurations contain the parameters that were defined as part of the investment agent configuration and saved there as an investment agent of the type "Basic configuration". |
Evaluation currency | In this selection list, select the evaluation currency for portfolio rebalancing, if applicable. |
Allocation evaluation by classification | In this selection list, select the asset classification for which an allocation valuation is to be carried out for all portfolios. This classification should be selected before the portfolios are valued, as a change will not be recalculated later for all portfolios. A target allocation can also be given for this classification if a weighting has been defined for the set classification in all required modules. Please read the section Asset class configuration for modules. |
Show weight in portfolio list for | In this selection list, choose an element of the selected asset classification for which the actual weight (after transactions) and, if applicable, the target deviation for all portfolios are to be specified in the portfolio list (detailed display mode). |
Settle open orders | Activate this checkbox if the open orders from the order book are to be settled in the next allocation run. They are then taken into account in the inventories and cash. |
Settle open and partially settled orders | Activate this checkbox if the open and partially settled orders (clearing status "Partially settled") from the order book are to be settled in the next allocation run. They are then taken into account in the inventories and cash. |
Valuing open orders at the original estimated price | Activate this checkbox if the open orders are to be valued at the price originally calculated by the portfolio rebalancing tool during the next allocation run. This may differ from the current price. |
Group display by classification | In this selection list, select an asset classification that will be used to group the instruments in the position overview. |
Icon show "Realize orders directly on selected portfolio" | Activate this checkbox to show the function for the direct entry of transactions for the selected portfolio in the reconciliation window. This allows you to realize the orders directly and use such adjusted portfolios as model portfolios, for example. The existing draft order is not saved in the order book via this function, but is posted directly to the portfolio in its securities accounts. This setting is not available in "Currency shift" mode. |
Always display existing bearing positions | Activate this checkbox to display the depository of a security in the position overview even if only one depository exists for this security. Please also read the section Always display existing bearing positions. |