Asset allocation evaluations
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
In the settings of the rebalancing tool, an asset classification can be selected with which an allocation valuation is carried out for all portfolios. This classification should be selected before the portfolios are valued, as a change will not be recalculated later for all portfolios. This classification is set in the settings under "Allocation evaluation by classification". A target allocation can also be given for this classification if a weighting has been defined for the set classification in all required modules. Please read the section Asset class configuration for modules.
The allocation evaluation is displayed in two forms:
- The portfolio list shows the actual weight (after transactions) for an asset class and, if applicable, the target deviation for all portfolios (detailed display mode). This asset class is defined in the settings with the parameter "Show weight in portfolio list for".
- The overall portfolio data display (key figures area) optionally contains a pie chart for the displayed portfolio, which shows the allocation of the portfolio by transaction or the deviations of the allocation from the target allocation for all asset classes.
- You display the pie chart using the "Show chart" icon in the toolbar of the portfolio rebalancing tool or the SHOW DIAGRAM command on the "Portfolio rebalancing" tab.
- Two chart types - actual allocation and target allocation - are available for the pie chart. You select these commands via the "Chart type" menu icon on the "Portfolio rebalancing" tab.
- In the "Actual allocation" chart type, the weightings of the asset classes by transaction are displayed in the form of a pie chart.
- In the "Target allocation" chart type, the target weights resulting from the module evaluation are displayed in the pie angles and the overweighting or underweighting by transaction in the pie slice radii.