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Reporting and alerting

Professional and MiFID-compliant client reporting is essential in financial portfolio management and at the same time the figurehead for your clients.

In order to meet the high quality standards, we have integrated the globally used SAP Crystal-Reports™ reporting software (Report Designer) into the Infront Portfolio Manager and created a comprehensive set of appealing standard reports, taking into account MiFID requirements and withholding tax. However, the Infront Portfolio Manager also offers you the option of customizing the reporting to your individual needs by using the Report Designer and the MM-Talk formula language.

To give you as much time as possible for your actual work, the Infront Portfolio Manager can take care of numerous jobs for you. Our job control takes care of regularly recurring and time-critical tasks such as customer reporting, loss threshold notification and alerting or initiates data exports. You determine the schedule and control the proper and smooth running of the job administration.

The generated reports can be saved in the integrated document archive and, if required, can be called up and displayed quickly and easily directly in the Infront Portfolio Manager interface. Optionally, it can also be linked to an external document management system.

With a licensed Postbox, you can upload documents (e.g. customer reports) directly from the Infront Portfolio Manager to your end customers' personal Postbox accounts via the Internet - also in ISO format PDF/A-1b if required.
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