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Archive documents

Portfolio Service Document Archive" module

The document archive is used to store documents created in Infront Portfolio Manager (reports and report folders) together with other information. In addition, you can also link other documents - e.g. text documents with notes on customers - to depot objects, store them in the document archive and manage them.

When archiving, documents are always linked to an object (group, owner, portfolio, securities account, account or interested party). Information about the document is automatically collected and archived together with the document.

A document is linked to the associated object via the object number (group, holder, portfolio, securities account, account or interested party number), so please pay attention to this when entering the master data or add it if necessary.

In the Infront Portfolio Manager, you can quickly search for archived documents and edit them if necessary. There is both an icon in the ribbon on the "Data maintenance" tab for searching through the entire document archive and a special search ("Document archive" worksheet) in each workspace of the individual depot objects.

This chapter contains all the details on filing and searching for documents.

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