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Modules in the Infront Portfolio Manager

The Infront Portfolio Manager has a modular structure. In this section you will find a list of the available function and data modules.

With the help of these modules, you can put together a program that is optimized for you and your tasks. Contact Customer Service at if you have any questions about activation and licensing. In this help, the relevant chapters are marked with links to the module overview. The name of the links corresponds to the module name, e.g. "Module 'Portfolio service change log'".

The modules can be divided into functional and data modules.

Click on the link to open this overview of the modules:

Function modules

Investment profile recording

Bond scenario analysis

Basic desktop

BVI export


Direct investment profile capture

Advanced technical analysis

External mailbox

Infront Advisory Solution consulting process

Infront Advisory Solution Portfolio Management

Cost service

Multi-channel ordering
Order Entry Service

Block order sessions

PDF/A long-term archiving


Portfolio Risk Service

Portfolio service change log

Portfolio Service Alerting

Portfolio service batch export tables

Portfolio service document archive

Portfolio service Extended portfolio analysis

Portfolio Service Investment Agent

Portfolio service plausibility check

Portfolio service rebalancing

Portfolio service collective transactions

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting


PSI Add-On Matching with special ISIN patterns
PSI Add-On Automatic Execution Correction

PSI Add-On Automatic Clearing Entries

PSI Add-On Automatic change to standard billing account

PSI Add-On Evaluated adjustment

PSI Add-On Generate master data from transactions

PSI Add-On Error Buffer

PSI Add-On Historical income from tax tranches

PSI Add-On Ignore Depot Reconciliations
PSI Add-On Infront Cloud Data

PSI Add-On Owner Zone Mapping

PSI Add-On Cross-owner securities account transfers

PSI Add-On Corporate Actions

PSI Add-On Consistency errors as costs
PSI Add-On course blacklist
Consider PSI Add-On bearing positions and locks

PSI Add-On Manual update of the Infront Portfolio Manager

PSI Add-On Mass Data Processing
PSI Add-On People Management

PSI Add-On Position Import

PSI Add-On Suspended Balances

PSI Add-On Floating Interest

PSI Add-On Processing of specific orders without securities side

PSI Add-On Asset Allocation

PSI Order Entry CSV Export

PSI Order Entry per bank or fax order

PSI Transaction Data per bank

Report Designer

UDF - User-defined field service
Currency reallocation

Target market

Data modules

Analysis & Risk Reports

CBOE Index Options
ESG Level 1 Scores
ESG Level 2 Scores
ESG Level 3+ Scores

Fitch bond ratings

Fund Plus

Fund prospectuses

Fundamental Special

Hedge Funds Research
Index compilations
International futures exchanges

Intraday Online Service

Market risk and product quality
Market and economic data

Moody's bond ratings



S&P bond ratings

SIX Structured Products Exchange

* Users who have licensed the more comprehensive "Infront Advisory Solution Consulting Process" module do not need the "People Management" module.

In addition to the modules listed here, there are other modules that can be licensed for the connection of external interfaces.

If you have not subscribed to or activated the respective modules because you do not need the functions, you can skip the marked chapters.

You can also display a list of your modules in the program. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the "Info" icon on the "Help" tab in the ribbon.
  2. Select the "License info" button in the "Info" dialog box that appears.
  3. On the "Product information" tab, you will find the list of currently licensed modules.
  4. Close the "Info" dialog box with "Close".

You can update your product license without restarting the Infront Portfolio Manager.

To do this, select the "Empty caches" command on the "Start" tab in the ribbon or press the key combination <SHIFT>+<CTRL>+<ALT>+<P> after you have imported the license.

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