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Scheduled Reporting

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

In combination with job control, Scheduled Reporting offers you fully automated customer reporting. While the job definition determines the schedule and customer selection, you can use the Scheduled Reporting configuration to assign different reports or report folders to your customers and link them to a reporting frequency. The system uses the reporting frequency to check whether a report should be created for the respective customer at the current time and, if so, what type of report.

Scheduled reporting can be assigned to holders and portfolios as well as entire groups or portfolio filters.


You have asset management and advisory clients and would like to send different reports or report folders for these two types of client. Then create the following reporting profiles, for example:

Scheduled Reporting VV

  • MiFID report folder (reporting frequency half-yearly)
  • Report folder XL (reporting frequency annually)

Scheduled Reporting Consulting

  • Consulting report folder (annual reporting frequency)

You can now assign the "Scheduled Reporting VV" reporting profile to all asset management clients and "Scheduled Reporting Advisory" to advisory clients. When Scheduled Reporting is started, the program automatically determines the reports due for all customers and prints or exports them.

You can also transfer the reporting frequency directly from the owner properties when configuring the reporting profiles.

Use predefined groupsto quickly and conveniently assign reporting profiles to owners.

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