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Portfolio Service Alerting" module

You can use alerting to monitor client portfolios or aggregated key figures to control your asset management. The module is very flexible and offers you almost unlimited possibilities to control the most diverse aspects. You will be notified immediately of any deviations. Examples of alerts are asset allocations, risk limits, loss thresholds, maturities, birthdays, equity changes, plausibility checks, etc.

The configuration is carried out via so-called alert definitions, which essentially determine the content of the monitoring using table templates and MM-Talk formulas. You will be notified of triggered alerts directly within the Infront Portfolio Manager interface, optionally also by e-mail. The alert display provides an overview of all alerts. From there, you can quickly access more detailed information. In addition, all alerts and job notifications are collected in the Info Center.

Alerting is set up via the job server , where it is linked to an execution schedule. Once set up, the monitoring runs in the background and only provides you with the desired information if it is exceeded.

Use the evaluation "Monitoring alerts" to display the alerts triggered for extensive groups or depot filters.
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