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Report" tab

When you open a report, the "Report" tab is added to the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon. The following commands are available on this tab and are described in the following chapters:




Show parameters


Use this command in the menu of the "Parameter" icon to open the "Parameter" dialog box, which displays the current assignment of the parameters.

Configure parameter types

You can configure the parameters yourself. Select this command in the menu of the "Parameter" icon to open a dynamic dialog box in which you can make the desired settings. Detailed

Information on this can be found in the MM-Talk reference in the chapter Configuration of the parameter dialogs.



Select this command to store the opened report in the document archive.

This command is only available with the "Portfolio Service Document Archive" module, which requires a license.

Read the chapter Dokumente archivieren.


Select this command to export the opened report as a PDF.

The "Settings" dialog box opens first, in which you can set the export options. Confirm the settings with "OK" and the report will be exported.

Design view

Opens the report in the draft view. Alternatively, you can also use the key combination <CTRL>+<E>.

This command is only available with the "Report Designer" module, which requires a license.



Select this command in the open design view to edit the report in the Report Designer.


Select this command to export the current draft report.

This draft is saved as a *.rpt file and can then be opened and edited in the Report Designer.

For details, read the chapter Report Designer.


Select this command to import a draft report (*.rpt file) into the Infront Portfolio Manager.

For details, read the chapter Report Designer.

Add subreport..

Inserts a (further) subreport into the current report.

This command is only available with the "Report Designer" module, which requires a license.

Display with Acrobat Reader

Select this command in the menu of the "Options" icon to open the report in the integrated Acrobat Reader.

Display formula errors

If an error occurs in the calculation of the formula for a field, this is displayed in the report as "n/a" by default. To display the detailed description of the error, select this command in the menu of the "Options" icon.

Insert consecutive page number for folders

Add page numbers to your self-created reports using this command in the "Options" icon menu if they are contained in Report folders and should also support the consecutive page numbering there. The ready-made Standard reports support this functionality.

This command is only available with the "Report Designer" module, which requires a license.

Extract labels

Select this command in the "Options" icon menu to extract any newly added texts in the report as labels and add them to translation memories for translation.

This command is only useful with the "Report Designer" module, which requires a license.

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