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Configuration of the parameter dialogs

The parameter dialogs are freely configurable for each formula or macro, i.e. you can specify how the variables may be assigned. You make these settings in the "Parameter types" dialog box, which you open with the PARAMETERS, CONFIGURE TYPES... command in the main menu of the formula editor or via the "Define parameter types" icon above the parameter list.

To access the configuration dialog from tables in the Infront Portfolio Manager, select the CONFIGURE PARAMETER TYPES command in the menu of the "Parameter" icon on the "Table" tab in the ribbon. If you would like to edit the types of table columns, select the command CONFIGURE FILTER CONDITIONS FOR COLUMNS in the menu of the "Edit" icon on the "Table" tab.

For open reports, you will find the command CONFIGURE PARAMETER TYPES in the menu ribbon of the Infront Portfolio Manager in the menu of the "Parameter" icon on the "Report" tab to open the dialog window.

The "Parameter types" window can only be opened if the formula text entered is correct.

The "Parameter types" dialog box is dynamic, i.e. depending on the settings you make here, new fields appear in which you can make further entries.

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