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Consulting process

Find out here how you can optimize your advisory processes with the products "Infront Portfolio Manager" and "Infront Advisory Solution".

Module "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process"

The features described in this chapter are only available with the licensed module "Infront Advisory Solution Advisory Process".

The advisory process is carried out and documented in the additional web application Infront Advisory Solution. The objects "interested party" and "person" can be created both in the Infront Advisory Solution and in the Infront Portfolio Manager. The advisory processes are configured in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

The configuration of the specific processes can only be carried out jointly in project work with .

The "Person Management" module enables users to manage interested parties and persons in the Infront Portfolio Manager even without the "Infront Advisory Solution Advisory Process" module. This is particularly interesting for asset managers who want to map their entire personal and client administration without using the Infront Advisory Solution.

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