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Report Designer

Report Designer" module

The Report Designer runs parallel to the Infront Portfolio Manager as an independent product. Users who create or edit their own reports and report folders with the Report Designer install the tool from the Report Designer program DVD. As a rule, this is done by the service team during the installation or update of the Infront Portfolio Manager.

We are also happy to create individual templates for you in project work - from the integration of a company logo to the definition of completely new reports, everything is possible. Find out about prices and conditions.

To make full use of all the functions of the Report Designer, you need a license (from SAP), which you can obtain from .

You can use the Report Designer to customize the reports and report folders to your requirements (e.g. integrate company logos, etc.). You can also define and create completely new reports.
How to exchange report designs between the Report Designer and the Infront Portfolio Manager using the "Report Designer" module, which requires a license, is described below.

The wide range of design options that the Report Designer offers you when creating your customer reports cannot be documented here. For more detailed information on the Report Designer, please refer to the documentation supplied, which you can obtain as a licensee as a PDF and also as online help integrated into the Report Designer.
However, the special features of the data connection to Infront Portfolio Manager must always be taken into account.

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