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Report folders

Use report folders to compile any number of individual reports. Some standard report folders have already been created for you. You can also create individual report folders.

Advantages of the report folders:

  • Consecutive page numbering across the included reports.
  • The same parameters of the individual reports are consolidated for the report folders.
  • It is possible to repeat or block certain individual reports within the report folder based on certain criteria, e.g. "repeat the Asset Analysis Regions report for each customer's securities account" or "exclude the fee invoice for customers marked accordingly".
  • Like individual reports, report folders can be assigned to Scheduled Reporting and thus automatically integrated into periodic reporting.
  • A separate language can be selected for each report when configuring the report folder.

You can also create report folders that contain information sheets from the Infront Document Hub for a list of securities in addition to reports.

Read the section Attaching information sheets to report folders.

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