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ESG data in the Infront Portfolio Manager

Investors are attaching ever greater importance to sustainability in their investments. The ESG data in the Infront Portfolio Manager supports you perfectly here.

In addition to the wishes of investors, the regulatory requirements in this area for asset managers and banks are also increasing rapidly - EU tax law, MiFID II extensions, etc.

The Infront Portfolio Manager supports you perfectly in this development by integrating the ESG data available via Market Data Pool for monitoring ESG risks and compliance with legal requirements as well as comprehensive end customer information via optimized reports. The data delivery is used to provide securities with ESG scores (values from 0-100), which are then classified in the Infront Portfolio Manager in three levels via configurable asset classifications and basic asset classes.

In addition, existing standard evaluations such as the asset overview have been expanded accordingly and it is also possible to configure portfolio and quota restrictions on the basis of ESG data.

The use of ESG data requires a licensed data subscription and acceptance of the ESG data provider's general terms and conditions .

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