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ESG asset classifications

You will find three special asset classifications for ESG analyses in the Infront Portfolio Manager delivery status:

  • ESG classification level 1
  • ESG classification level 2
  • ESG classification level 3

In the underlying classification formulas, MM-Talk uses a weighting distribution to define which ESG classes are shown for which ESG scores.

Beispiel: Klassifikationsformel ESG-Klassifikation Level 1

In this example, you can see in the formula editor that ESG scores below "30" are assigned the ESG class "Poor" by default, for example, and that the ESG class "Excellent" is only assigned from an ESG score of "70". These new asset classifications are also used, for example, as the basis for the parameters of the same name in the new ESG reports.

A list of the classes of the individual levels can be found in the section ESG asset classifications.

To work with basic asset classes and asset classifications, please also read the section Asset classifications.

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