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Report ESG portfolio analysis compact

The "ESG Portfolio Analysis Compact" report analyzes your portfolios with regard to ESG data. This report is the more compact version of the previously presented"ESG Portfolio Analysis Report". You can use the parameters (<STRG>+<A>) to set the desired level for the ESG rating classification.

You can find the "ESG Portfolio Analysis Compact" report in the "Reporting", "ESG" worksheet in the workspace for portfolios, owners, securities accounts and groups, for example.

You will find the report in the "Securities account management" category in the templates.

Page 1

The first page of the report shows the average ESG risk scores and an ESG class distribution as a bar chart.

Information on the individual ESG data packages in conjunction with the "ESG Portfolio Analysis Compact Report":
  • If you have only licensed the "ESG Data Package Level 1 Scores", only the value for the average calculation for the total ESG score is shown in the "ESG Portfolio Analysis Compact Report" on page 1 (in the example above, the value "66.29"). In this case, the average values for the categories "Environmental", "Social" and "Governance" each show the value "0". In the example above, the values are calculated and displayed, so "ESG data package level 2 scores" is also enabled here.
  • The environmental, social and governance data on page 1 cannot be compared directly with the individual scores; they represent the aggregated values for environment, social and governance at portfolio level. A price-weighted average of the individual scores for environment, social and governance is calculated.
Information on the chart in the "ESG class distribution" diagram:

The "bars" refer to the ESG scores of the individual stocks, which can be found on page 2 of the report in the "ESG" column . They show how the assets/individual securities are distributed across the ESG classes:

  • Excellent (green) - from ESG score 71
  • Good (yellow) - ESG score between 51 and 70
  • Fair (Orange) - ESG score between 31 and 50
  • Poor (red) - ESG score between 0 and 30
  • Not available (gray)

Please also note the parameter settings of the report.

The following pages

The next pages of the report then list the securities with their ESG scores, market value and percentage share in the portfolio.

You can see the currently selected ESG rating classification in the header of the report in the "Classification" field.

The information"Coverage for funds is taken into account" is displayed in the footer of the report.

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