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Report ESG class analysis

The "ESG class analysis report" examines the allocation of securities in the portfolios to the individual ESG classes. You can use the parameters (<STRG>+<A>) to set the desired level for the ESG rating classification.

You can find the "ESG class analysis report" in the workspace of portfolios, holders, securities accounts and groups on the "Reporting", "ESG" worksheet, for example.

You will find the report in the "Securities account management" category in the templates.

The structure of the report corresponds to the standard reports for analyzing asset classes, regions, segments or currencies.

On the left-hand side you can see the individual ESG classes in the portfolio, the total price values and the percentage shares. On the right-hand side, the data is presented graphically in a pie chart.

You can see the currently selected ESG rating classification in the header of the report in the "Classification" field.

The information"Coverage for funds is taken into account" is displayed in the footer of the report.

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