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ESG restriction schemes

You can create and monitor restrictions to ensure compliance with your individual ESG guidelines. The Infront Portfolio Manager already provides you with two restriction schemes as standard, which you can use as a basis here.

Restriction scheme ⟨ESG category⟩ Score between ⟨minimum⟩ and ⟨maximum⟩

Use this restriction scheme as the basis for your ESG requirements for your securities.

Parameters of the restriction scheme:

ParametersDefault setting
ESG categoryS4 (Community & Society)

Restriction scheme ⟨ESG category⟩ score between ⟨minimum score⟩ and ⟨maximum score⟩, share of portfolio between ⟨minimum share⟩ and ⟨maximum share⟩

Use this restriction scheme as the basis for your ESG requirements for your securities and portfolios.

Parameters of the restriction scheme:

ParametersDefault setting
Minimum score
Maximum score

Minimum share


Maximum share

ESG categoryS4 (Community & Society)

To work with restrictions and restriction schemes, please also read the section Restrictions.

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