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Menu command



Select this command to open the "Settings" dialog box.

Here you can make some global settings for user administration:

  • General
    If you would like to use domains in your user administration, activate the "Use domains" checkbox.

    If the feature is already activated (as in the example above), the checkbox is grayed out and can no longer be removed directly by the administrator. It is therefore essential that you read the section Domainsbefore using domains.

    To deactivate the feature, remove all domains except for one and then close the user administration. The next time you start the user administration, the "Use domains" checkbox is deactivated again.

  • Ordering rights
    Specify here how many order release levels you require when configuring your release processes. You can set a maximum of 9 order release levels here. Please also read the section Configure order release levels
  • Password rules
    Use this field to control how the program behaves with user passwords.
    Maximum password validity
    Specify here the minimum number of times the password must be changed. Once the defined period has expired, users are prompted by the program to change their password immediately after logging in.
    However, this is only the case if it is a graphical login. If a user logs in via the command line, the password change is not requested. Allowed here are 1 to 366 days.
    Minimum password length
    Specify here the minimum number of characters that all passwords must have. Allowed are 1-30 characters. A minimum of 6 characters or more is recommended.
    Monitored password history
    Specify here how many other password versions must be used before a user is allowed to use the same password again. Since your Infront Portfolio Manager always saves the complete password history internally, changes to this value are also immediately enforced against older passwords. Values from 1 to 30 may be entered.
  • Activate automatic access blocking
    Activate this checkbox to automatically block access to the Infront Portfolio Manager if an incorrect password is entered (several times).
    Maximum number of login attempts
    Specify here how many (failed) attempts are allowed before access is blocked. Values from 1 to 15 may be entered.
  • Force password change on reassignmentby administrator
    If you want every user to be forced to set a new password in the user administration after a password change by the administrator, activate the "Force password change on reassignment by administrator" checkbox. After logging in, the user will receive a corresponding message.
  • Cloud users
    If you would like to define one of the users you have created as a sample user for your cloud users, select the desired user from the selection list. Please also read the section Log in to Infront Portfolio Manager as a cloud user.


Select this command to open the "License monitoring" information window. You can see at a glance which modules are licensed, how many of your licenses are currently in use and which users are using module licenses.

Please read the section License monitoring.


Select this command to display the users with their vwd IDs in the "Used vwd IDs" dialog box. Users without a vwd ID are not listed.


The dialog box that appears corresponds exactly to the dialog box that can be accessed in the Infront Portfolio Manager via the CHANGE PASSWORD command on the "Configuration" tab. This means that users who do not have the "Start Infront Portfolio Manager" right, for example, can also edit their password.

Please also read the section Set or change password.


Select this command to export the automatically generated log files and save them as semicolon-separated CSV files.

For details, read the section Change tracking in the user administration.


Select this command to export the users, rights and roles as a CSV file.

For details, read the section Export user management data as a CSV file.


Select this command to open the change log for user administration.

The command is only available if change tracking is set up.

For details, read the section Change tracking in the user administration.


If there is also a single user on the same system in addition to the multi-user installation of Infront Portfolio Manager (e.g. from a transferred single user installation), you can transfer this single user to a user of the multi-user installation of Infront Portfolio Manager according to your specifications.

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