Log in to Infront Portfolio Manager as a cloud user
Users who have a cloud account can also use it to log in to Infront Portfolio Manager. The prerequisite for this is a corresponding user configuration in the user administration of the Infront Portfolio Manager.
Create a sample user in the user administration that serves as a template for your cloud users. This also allows you to control who of the cloud users can log in individually.
All authorized cloud users adopt the roles, zones and workspace configurations from the template user. The "Use offline token" checkbox is activated here.
The login to the Infront Portfolio Manager then takes place with the cloud login data of the respective user.
Select a sample user as a template for new cloud users
If you have configured a template user, you can define this as a template for cloud users in the user management settings.
Proceed as follows:
- If necessary, open the user administration.
- Select the command EXTRAS, SETTINGS in the main menu of the user administration.
- In the "Settings" dialog box that appears, select the previously configured sample user from the selection list in the "Cloud user" area.
- Close the "Settings" dialog box with "OK".
The configuration is complete. New cloud users can now log in to Infront Portfolio Manager with their cloud credentials.