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Export user management data as a CSV file

You can use the Infront Portfolio Manager user administration to export users, roles and rights as a CSV file and open them in the corresponding applications (text editors or Microsoft Excel). Proceed as follows:

  1. If necessary, open the user administration.
  2. Select the EXTRAS, EXPORT AUTHORIZATION OVERVIEW command in the main menu of the user administration.
    The "Export authorization overview" dialog box opens.
  3. Select the selection icon behind the input field to specify the folder and file name for the CSV file to be exported. The <Local directory> is shown by default. The "OK" button only becomes active after a file name has been assigned.
  4. If you would also like to list the individual rights of the users in the files, activate the "Export authorizations" checkbox.
  5. Start the export with the "OK" button.
    The file is saved in the selected folder and can now be opened in Microsoft Excel, for example.

Users without any system roles and zone authorizations cannot be exported.

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