Proceed as follows to create a new filter via the Explorer:
Select the command NEW, FILTER in the context menu of a folder in the Explorer.
The "Select filter template" dialog box appears. Here you can select the basis for your filter template from all table templates. To do this, select the template in the list and then click on the "Select" button. Or double-click on the desired template.
Each filter requires a filter template in which the filter criteria are defined. You can reference an existing template or customize a copy of the selected template for the filter. You can access the filter template in the filter properties via the "Filter template" tab at the bottom. (This only appears after clicking on the "Customize template" button)
If you want to edit the filter properties first and then assign a template, exit the dialog box by clicking the "Select later" button. For more information, see the Select filter template section and the chapter Tables.
The new filter is created in the Explorer and the filter properties are opened. Enter a name for the filter at the top of the filter properties. Under the input field for the name of the filter, you can see in which zone the filter is created.
In the "Filter type" field, specify whether the filter should contain securities or securities account objects. The icon color and the context menu structure of the filter in the Explorer also depend on this setting:
Security filter (light blue) Context menu structured like a normal folder.
Depot filter (yellow) Context menu structured as for the "Group" object type
Specify the evaluation mode. You have the following options here:
Define the input objects in the "Input objects for filter template" field. This can be, for example, a folder whose content you want to filter, a security for which you want to search for derivatives (prerequisite: In the assigned filter template, the "Search derivatives/comparative values" checkbox is activated), or an index object for which you want to compile all securities contained in the index in a folder (prerequisite here: The "Show index compilations" checkbox is activated in the assigned evaluation). You can also select a different filter as an input object. Market Data Pool always provides price quotation objects, in particular as underlyings for derivatives. In filters, the "Search derivatives/comparative values" mode searches for linked securities across all price quotations of the security object and the security object. If you do not enter anything here, the entire database is searched for objects that match the filter conditions. Especially for very general queries (e.g. all bonds in euros), searching the database and compiling the results can take quite a long time. You should therefore make sure that you formulate the conditions as precisely as possible when searching the database. To add a new object to this list, drag & drop it from the Explorer onto the "Input objects for filter template" field. Or select the "Search" icon directly next to the field. The "Object search" dialog box appears. Select the desired object and confirm with "OK". You can find more information on this in the chapter Search field and object search. In the filter template, you can also decide whether you want to search for price quotations. To do this, activate the "Search price quotes" checkbox in the parameter and filter field of the filter template.
If certain securities or securities account objects should always be included in the filter regardless of the filter result, include them in the "Static elements" field. For example, you can force a filter in which all SDAX stocks are compiled to also contain the SDAX index itself. To add a new object to this list, drag & drop it from the Explorer onto the "Static elements" field. Or select the "Search" icon directly next to the field. The "Object search" dialog box appears. Select the desired object and confirm with "OK". If you want to use the selected template unchanged, you are finished with these steps and can save the filter.
To set additional filter conditions directly in the filter template, select the "Customize template" button. The filter template is opened in a new tab. You can make the desired settings here. Read more about this in the Select filter templatesection. You can switch back to the filter properties at any time using the tabs below. The "Filter template" tab appears after clicking on the "Customize template" button. This button disappears after one use. To switch back to the referenced template, activate the "Template is referenced" checkbox.
Save your settings with the "Save" icon. If you close the filter properties without saving, you will be asked whether you want to accept the changes. Then answer this with "Yes". You can find all the important commands for editing the filter via the context menu of the filter created in the Explorer.
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