Evaluate filter
The evaluation mode of a filter is defined in the filter properties. You can access this window using the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of a filter.
Folders can be evaluated either manually or automatically. With the "Evaluate manually" option, the content of the filter is saved in the database as with a normal folder and is only recalculated when an evaluation is triggered manually. If the "Evaluate manually" option is not activated, the filter contents are recalculated the first time the filter is opened after starting the program or otherwise accessing the filter contents.
In this case, you can also specify whether the filter should also be re-evaluated after a data update if price and/or master data have changed.
If you have selected the "Evaluate manually" option or if there have been subsequent changes to the input objects of an (automatically evaluated) filter, you must evaluate the filter manually.
To do this, use the FILTER, NEW EVALUATION command in the context menu of the filter. Or select the filter and press the <F9> button.
The "Evaluate zone-based" checkbox is also included in the depot filter. It does not apply to securities, as these are not zone-based.
The "Evaluate zone-based" checkbox restricts the input quantity to the zone to which the filter is assigned (incl. sub-zone).
If the checkbox is not activated, all objects visible to the user are used for filtering.