Evaluations for rebalancing portfolios
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
If you have opened the workspace of a rebalancing portfolio as described in the section Open rebalancing portfolios , the following pre-trade evaluations are available to you:
- Asset class analysis (pre-trade)
- Asset monitoring (pre-trade)
- Restriction monitoring (pre-trade)
- Complete restriction monitoring (pre-trade)
- Report asset class analysis (pre-trade)
In conjunction with the "Cost service" module:
You can use these tables and reports to analyze the actual and planned values of the positions before the order is executed. For example, you can check whether assigned asset allocations and restrictions are being adhered to. The settings from the portfolio rebalancing are adopted, e.g. the settlement of open orders.
Like all other templates, you can configure the evaluations and worksheets for rebalancing portfolios according to your requirements and arrange them in workspaces. When configuring and arranging your individual evaluations, make sure that the templates for rebalancing portfolios are available, i.e. that "Rebalancing portfolio" is activated as an input object. The standard evaluations described here can serve as a starting point for your customizations.
If necessary, read the sections Edit template properties and Configure workspaces.