Target market profiling report (pre-trade)
This report uses the target market service to compare the stored investment profile with the target market categories of the individual securities in the rebalancing portfolio. In the default setting, only the negative target market is cross-checked. Information on this appears at the end of the report.
You can control this behavior using the "Negative target market" parameter, which is activated by default: Deactivate the parameter to obtain a complete target market profiling with positive and negative target markets for your rebalancing portfolios.
The "Target market profiling (pre-trade) report" largely corresponds to "Target market profiling report". The parameters "Negative target market" and "Only display securities with distributor target market" described in the section Parameters of the Target Market Profiling report are also available.
The "Target Market Profiling (Pre-Trade) Report" contains the following detailed information:
Field | Description |
Target market profiling (pre-trade) | The title of the report. |
Customer name | The name of the owner from the address. |
Portfolio number | The portfolio number entered in the "Portfolio no." field in the portfolio master data. |
Evaluation date | The evaluation date of the report. The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field in the toolbar. |
Account manager | The name of the account manager. The supervisor is entered via the "Portfolio properties" dialog box in the context menu of a portfolio for the respective portfolio version. |
Telephone | The telephone number of the customer advisor from their address. |
Investment profile | The defined target market categories of the portfolio from the investment profile:
Target market comparison | Here you will find the results of the comparison of the characteristics of the respective target market category of the individual securities with those of the stored investment profile. The table of securities is organized by security type; you can see the following data for each security in the custody account:
You can also save the "Target market profiling (pre-trade) report" to the document archive using the ARCHIVE command on the "Report" tab in the ribbon. If necessary, please also read the section Archive documents.
You can find details on the special features for FinSA clients in the section Information on FIDLEG . The same explanations apply to the "Target market profiling (pre-trade) report" as to the "Target market profiling report".