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Report asset class analysis (pre-trade)

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

The "Report Asset Class Analysis (Pre-Trade)" is based on the "Report Asset Class Analysis". Adapted for rebalancing portfolios, it illustrates the differences in allocation before and after rebalancing.

The "Report Asset Class Analysis (Pre-Trade)" summarizes the security types by default according to the defined asset classes, e.g:

  • Shares
  • Pensions
  • Certificates
  • Warrants
  • Other asset classes
  • Liquidity
  • Special installations
  • ..

Securities positions that are subject to asset class splitting are allocated to the asset classes on a pro rata basis.

The two pie charts show the allocations before and after the reallocation.

The evaluation currency of the report is the evaluation currency selected in the settings for portfolio rebalancing.

You can use the "Classification" parameter to switch from the breakdown by asset class to a different classification: Asset type, region, segment, currency class..

Please also note the information on the "Classification" parameter in the section Parameters of the depot analyses. For the definition of basic asset classes, please also read the chapter Edit basic asset classes and asset classifications.

You can also use the ARCHIVE command on the "Report" tab to save the "Report Asset Class Analysis (Pre-Trade)" to the document archive. If necessary, please also read the section Archive documents.

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