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Output of the generated files

Portfolio Service Batch Export Tables" module or "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

Here you specify under which name and in which directory the individual reports, report folders or tables are stored. The name of the exported file can consist of various designations.

A dialog box is available for defining an individual naming scheme for the files to be exported, which speeds up the process of adding fields to the name of the output file. This configuration is available in batch export as well as in scheduled reporting and loss threshold reporting. Using batch export as an example, you will find a description of the individual steps below.

In the "Batch export" dialog box, click on the button to the right of the input field for the output directory. The "Naming scheme" dialog box appears.

Here you select the output directory and name the output file by including additional fields in the file name.

Output directory

You can select a different output directory using the button to the right of the output directory. By default, the generated files are stored in the "My files\Infront Portfolio Manager" folder of the logged-in Windows user.

You can also use a relative directory as the output directory. Simply enter the directory in the directory field or select a directory below your personal "My files\Infront Portfolio Manager" directory.

When the batch export (or scheduled reporting) is executed, the directory is then stored relative to the "My files\Infront Portfolio Manager" directory of the corresponding Windows user. This is useful if users work with other Windows accounts on other computers. This is particularly important in the context of the Portfolio Manager Server or the time-controlled export.

Pack in ZIP archive

Optionally, you can also pack the exported files into a ZIP archive. To do this, activate the "Pack in ZIP" checkbox and enter the desired name for the ZIP archive in the corresponding input field. It is important that the file extension is ".7z". For the name of the ZIP archive, you can also use the predefined blocks or define new name components via the <FORMULA> entry, similar to the name of the output file below. For further details, read the chapter Saving reports in ZIP archives.

Output file

You can configure the name of the files in the "Output file" field of the "Naming scheme" dialog box. Proceed as follows to extend the suggested name:

  1. Click on the position in the name of the output file where you want to insert a field.
  2. Then select the field to be inserted from the selection list by clicking on it.
  3. Then select the "Add" button. The selected field is inserted at the desired position.
  4. Confirm the changes with "OK".

The <#FORMULA> entry takes you to the function wizard, where you can configure an MM-Talk function as a name or name component. Please read the section Configure the names of the generated files via MM-Talk.

You will also find some ready-made modules:

  • <INHOLDER NUMBER> is replaced by the owner number stored in the owner properties
  • <CUSTOMER SURNAME> is replaced by the owner's surname from the owner's address data
  • <surname supervisor> is replaced by the supervisor's surname from the portfolio properties
  • <TEMPLATE>is replaced by the name of the respective template, e.g. "Income statement" or "Report performance report"
  • <TIMESTAMP> is replaced by the timestamp of the export, e.g. a file receives the following timestamp on January 22, 2021 at 10:15 a.m: 210122_1015
  • <BATCH>
  • <USER>
  • <NAME>is replaced by the name of the owner
  • <ZONE>
  • <EVALUATION DATE> (only for Scheduled Reporting) is replaced by the date of the evaluation in the format "yymmdd", e.g. "201231" for annual reporting frequency
  • <REPORTING INTERVAL> (only for Scheduled Reporting) is replaced by the reporting frequency, e.g. "annually"
  • <EVALUATIONDATE_DIALOG> (only for batch export) is replaced by the evaluation date set in the batch export configuration, if applicable; if no date is entered in the "Evaluation date" input field, the field returns an empty string
  • <UPLOADPATH> (for dashboards in the customer account) is replaced by the individual path to the "upload" folder in the local directory
In the section Customize output paths for all batch export configurations you can find out how you can quickly change all batch export configurations to the new output directory if you change your standard storage locations.

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