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Balance sheet

Probably the most important task of portfolio management is to provide a quick overview of the current securities holdings and the available liquidity. In short, an overview of the assets.

You can start an asset overview from a holder (for all of the holder's custody accounts), from a portfolio (for all custody accounts in this portfolio) or from a custody account (only for this custody account).

In addition to the standard evaluation described here, the Infront Portfolio Manager also comes with the "Classic asset overview" variant, which differs from the asset overview in the details of the presentation. You can quickly adapt all overviews to your individual requirements and save them as templates.

The statement of assets is a comprehensive table. All custody accounts and accounts opened for this holder are also included in the statement of assets (at holder level).

Alternatively, you can also evaluate an individual securities account by opening the asset overview of the securities account (e.g. by double-clicking on the securities account in Explorer).

The available columns (in alphabetical order) can be found in the following table.

The asset overview is grouped in two stages: first by securities account ("Grouping" column), for example, and then by asset class. Subtotals are displayed for some columns for both groups. The accounts are listed below in the "Accounts" group and the "Special installations" at the end of the table.

You can define the order of the asset classes for the asset overview and all other tables and reports. If necessary, read the section Changing the order of the basic asset classes.

  • Some columns are hidden in the standard asset overview. To add the columns again, select the "Show/hide columns" icon.

You can modify and optimize the display of the overview, e.g. create totals or change the fonts. More on this in the chapter Tables.




Name/description of the security, the account or the special investment.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several rows, you will also see the percentage share of this position (x %) here.

If necessary, please also read the sections Parameters of the balance sheet ("Classification" parameter) and Create new asset classification.

Investment currency

Currency assigned to the investment. In the case of securities investments, for example, the currency of the price quotation defined as the standard valuation place.

Number of withholding tax

Number of units in the position that are subject to withholding tax.

Number tax-free

Number of units in the position that are grandfathered and already outside the speculation period.

The sum of the columns "Number of withholding tax", "Number of spec. tax" and "Number tax-free" gives the total.

Asset class

Spalte standarmäßig ausgeblendet

The table is grouped in the second level according to this column.

The standard asset classes are equities, bonds, warrants, certificates, liquidity and other asset classes.

Evaluation date

The date of the asset overview is shown at the top of the title bar of the table.


Current position of the security. In the case of bonds, the nominal value.

Credit rating

For bonds, you will find the Fitch rating (e.g. "AAA" or "A") in this column. The Fitch ratings are only available with the "Fitch bond ratings" module, which requires a license.


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Sector of the security.

Dev. course

The exchange rate at the time of purchase (averaged).

Dev. rate current

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Current exchange rate.

Success not real.

Unrealized success of the position.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

Success [%] not real.

Unrealized success of the position in percent.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

ESG Score

The total ESG score of the security.

If necessary, read the chapter ESG data in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

Environmental Score

The ESG score for the ESG category "Environment" of the security.

If necessary, read the chapter ESG data in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

Governance Score

The ESG score for the ESG category "Governance" of the security.

If necessary, read the chapter ESG data in the Infront Portfolio Manager.


Spalte standarmäßig ausgeblendet

The table is grouped according to this column at the first level.


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Holder whose overview of assets is displayed or holder for whose securities account this IV is displayed.

ISIN/Account number

ISIN (International Security Identification Number) of the security.

The account number stored for accounts and special investments is shown here.

Purchase price

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Purchase price (averaged) in reporting currency.

Purchase price

Purchase price (averaged) in the currency of the investment.

Purchase price

Purchase price in reporting currency.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

Purchase price
[Annex -Wg.]

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Purchase price in the currency of the investment.

The calculation: Stock * purchase price, possibly plus purchase charges, depending on the setting of the parameters.

Please also read the section Setting the parameters of an open depot evaluation.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.


Current price in the currency of the security.

If no current prices are available, the order prices are used for valuation.

For funds, the net prices, i.e. the redemption prices less interim profits, are shown here as standard. You can include these via the "Include interim profits" parameter. Please read the Parameters section of the balance sheet and, if applicable, Excursus: Interim profits for funds and effects on evaluations.

Course date

Date of the most recent course ("Course" column).

Course success
not real.

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This column shows the pure unrealized price performance. This differs, for example, from the "profit not real." if interest or dividends are taken into account using the parameters.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

Market value

Market value of the position in the reporting currency. Sales charges are calculated in accordance with the commission model based on the characteristics of the securities account.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

Market value

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Market value of the position in the currency of the investment.

Calculation: Stock * price, possibly less sales charges, depending on the setting of the parameters.

Please also read the section Setting the parameters of an open depot evaluation.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

Storage location

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Depository that is deposited for the security.

If necessary, please also read the chapter Storage locations.


Maturity (end); for bonds, options or warrants, among others.

Last acquisition

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This position indicates the date on which the last position in the securities portfolio was purchased.

Pool factor

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Pool factor of a position (of a pool factor bond).

If necessary, please also read the section Bond master data.

Product quality
(EDG rating)

Rating of the security.

For certificates and warrants, the EDG rating (0 to 5 stars) represents the assigned risk class.

Please also read the section EDG certificate rating.


Current yield of a bond.

Risk class

Risk class of the position. Possible risk classes are

  • security-oriented
  • limited willingness to take risks
  • willing to take risks
  • increasingly willing to take risks
  • speculative

Please also read the section Risk classesfor the classification into the individual classes.

Social Score

The ESG score for the ESG category "Social" of the security.

If necessary, read the chapter ESG data in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

Accrued interest/ interim profits

If the item is a bond, the accrued interest since the last interest coupon is listed in this column.

For funds, the accumulated interim profits are shown in this column.

For interest accounts, the accrued interest is also displayed in this column.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

Security no.

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The security number of the security.

Value share [%]

Percentage share of the current value of this position in relation to the total value of the portfolio.

Wg. success
not realized

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Unrealized gains and losses arising from exchange rate changes. By default, this is the settlement currency from the WM master data (risk currency) of the price quotations.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.


The security identification number of the security.

WP type

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Type of security.


Gross income received to date (interest and dividends before tax) for this security; this includes accrued interest on bonds, which was also paid on purchase, as well as fund distributions at the time of the order in the evaluation currency.

For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight.

This symbol in the table indicates that the relevant columns are hidden in the standard assets overview.

The statement of assets is generally based on the last available price. If you want a "0" or "n/a" if the last price is older than 8 trading days to indicate that it is not up-to-date, proceed as follows:

  1. On the "Configuration" tab in the ribbon, select the SETTINGS command in the "General settings" icon menu.
  2. In the "Settings" dialog box that appears, switch to the "Depot" tab.
  3. In the "Asset valuation" area, deactivate the "Use last available rate if no current rate is available" checkbox.
  4. Confirm the setting with "OK".

Double-clicking on an item in the asset overview directly opens Protocol for this item. As usual, you can also open the individual transactions there by double-clicking and thus resubmit them.

Please note that changes to transactions resubmitted in this way are then adopted, but only become visible in the log the next time it is opened. This is due to the fact that the underlying securities account valuation of the asset overview, on the basis of which the log was opened, may not yet have been updated.

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