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Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)


Trend follower

Short introduction

TEMA, like DEMA and DEMA2, was introduced by Patrick G. Mulloy as a further modification of the exponential moving average.

The DEMA, TEMA and DEMA2 variants differ in the trend model used. While DEMA is based on a linear regression model (i.e. trend lines), TEMA is based on a quadratic regression model, which means that the trend term can still include curved components that depend quadratically on time.


Like DEMA, TEMA is a linear combination of single, double and triple exponential averages. The double and triple averages are used to estimate the trend-related correction.




DEMA = EMA1 + (EMA1 - EMA2) = 2 * EMA1 - EMA2

TEMA = EMA1 + DEMA(S-EMA1) = 3 * EMA1 - 3 * EMA2 + EMA3


S = time series to be smoothed

n = Period number for DEMA and TEMA


Chart mit TEMA

For information and interpretation of the TEMA, please refer to the literature recommended in the chapter on Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) .

Default setting

  • none; depending on trend periods

Basic trading systems


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