You can enter the interested party properties or master data when you create the interested party. However, you can also check or change these at any time. Proceed as follows, for example:
Select the interested party and select the PROPERTIES command in the context menu. Or select the interested party and click on the "Properties" icon in the Explorer toolbar. Or select the interested party and press the<F12>button.
Make the desired changes in the "Prospect properties" dialog box that appears.
Select "OK" to confirm your changes. Or select "Cancel" to close the dialog box and discard the entries.
The fields in detail:
Interested party
Potential customer who is interested in an investment service. This field is mandatory.
You can use the name or any code name, the name of the interested party and the actual name do not have to be identical. However, the name of the interested party must be unique, i.e. you cannot use the same name twice. You can use this name to access the interested party later in the evaluations.
Enter the "correct" name of the interested party, which may well differ from the name of the interested party in the Explorer, via the "Address..." button. This then appears in the "Name" field and is not visible in Explorer, for example. You can also use the "Address..." button to enter the name of the organization of this interested party, which will appear below.
Click on the "Address..." button to open the "Address properties" dialog box. There you can enter or change the address and some additional information about the interested party. In the "Address properties" dialog box, you can also enter the customer's tax number, for example.
The classification of clients is one of the fundamental MiFID II requirements. Select the customer type of this prospective customer from the selection list:
Private customer
Professional customer
Suitable counterparty
Other customer
Part of the statutory client protection of MiFID II is that all clients who trade in financial instruments are to be divided into different client categories. The purpose of this is to adapt customer protection to the needs of each customer. Private individuals and companies are considered retail investors (private clients). The customer category "Professional customer" includes, for example, large companies and public bodies. Suitable counterparties include government authorities and central banks. Customers and prospective customers who cannot (yet) be assigned to any of these categories fall into the "Other customer" category.
Created on
Here you can enter the date on which you created the interested party. The default setting is the current date.
Right-click in a date field to quickly select today's date, the day before, the beginning of the month or the beginning of the quarter via the context menu that appears.
Deactivated on
If you wish to deactivate an interested party, e.g. because the interested party in question does not wish to pursue the VV offer any further, enter the date here.
The date of deactivation can be queried via MM-Talk.
Enter your comments on the interested party directly in the text field.
User-defined fields..
Select the "User-defined fields..." button to open the dialog box with the user-defined fields for this interested party and edit them.
Data status
Here you can see the data status currently assigned to the interested party and (if the data status is set) the date of the last change. Select the "Edit data status" icon to change the data status.
Select this icon to view the change log for this interested party - provided you have the appropriate authorization. The icon is deactivated if authorization is missing.
Determine how promising the potential customer's interest is. You can choose between:
n/a - not specified
Very promising
Not very promising
Interested party status
Enter the interested party status. You can choose between:
n/a - not specified
No longer interested
Contact not possible
Last contact on
Enter the last time you had contact with the customer.
Evaluation currency
Select the evaluation currency of the interested party here. The default setting is "European Euro".
Mini-tab "Tax information"
Tax residence
Select the tax domicile of this interested party from the selection list. The corresponding tax currency is derived from this.
The default setting is Germany.
Depending on which tax domicile you define for this interested party, the tax rates defined for this country in the menu ribbon on the "Configuration" tab via the general settings apply as the default setting.
Activate this checkbox if the interested party is married. This information is particularly important for withholding tax.
Depending on the setting of this field, the default values of the lump sums and the default value of the field "KiSt-Satz Ehepartner" in the transaction data will change.
Savings lump sum
Enter the saver's lump sum here.
The saver's lump sum for the tax country "Germany" is EUR 801 for single people and EUR 1602 for married couples until 2022. From 2023 there will be an increase to 1,000 euros for single people and 2,000 euros for married couples.
Losses carried forward Speculative gains
For realized speculative losses, you can enter the amount of the loss carryforward here.
This loss carryforward from speculative transactions was still possible until 2013.
Loss carried forward Shares
For realized speculative losses from share transactions, you can enter the amount of the loss carryforward here (withholding tax).
Capital loss carryforward
For realized speculative losses from capital assets, you can enter the amount of the loss carryforward here (withholding tax).
Tax rate
Enter the estimated tax rate (in percent) of the interested party here.
KiSt rate
If known, enter the church tax rate here, e.g. "9" for 9%.
0 % corresponds to "no church tax liability".
KiSt deduction by bank
Activate this checkbox if the church tax is paid directly by the interested party's custodian bank and not only when the investment is made.
KiSt rate spouse
If known, enter the church tax rate of the spouse of the interested party here.
0 % corresponds to "no church tax liability" of the spouse.
KiSt deduction spouse by bank
Activate this checkbox if the spouse's church tax is paid directly by the custodian bank and not only upon assessment.
Spouse's share of ownership
If known, enter the spouse's share of the assets as a percentage.
The default setting is 0% for single people and 50% for married people.
Select this button to specify a supervisor. The "Manage supervisor" dialog box appears. If the desired supervisor is already available in the table, select it and assign it with "OK".
If necessary, read the section Create new supervisorsif you want to create a new supervisor.
If necessary, read the section Caregiver propertiesif you want to edit an existing supervisor.
Remove supervisor assignment
Select this button to remove the current supervisor assignment.
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