When entering transactions, it is important to enter data correctly. You have the option of storing a data status in the master data of holders, portfolios, accounts and custody accounts. Each time a new entry is made in the "Data status" dialog box, the "Date of last change" is also updated. Possible statuses:
Correct All data entered has been checked and is correct.
Incorrect The recorded data contains at least one problematic data record.
The data status is unknown.
Proceed as follows to set the data status for an owner, for example:
Select the PROPERTIES command in the owner's context menu.
In the "Owner properties" dialog box, select the currently visible "Data status" icon in the "Data status" area.
Then activate the desired data status in the "Data status" dialog box that appears, e.g. "Correct".
If you close the dialog box with "OK", the selected data status is transferred to the owner properties and the date of the last change is reset accordingly.
Similarly, you can also set the data status in the master data of portfolios, securities accounts or accounts. For accounts, a distinction is also made between the "Account data status" and "Special assets data status" areas.
For groups, holders, portfolios, custody accounts or accounts, you can monitor all custody accounts and accounts using the Monitoring data status evaluation.
In the corresponding custody account management finders (Finder Holder, Finder Holder extended, Finder Portfolios, Finder Accounts, Finder Accounts extended, Finder Securities accounts and Finder Securities accounts extended) there is a "Data status" column so that you can easily filter by data status.
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