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Caregiver properties

To change the data of a supervisor, proceed as follows:

  1. On the "Data maintenance" tab, select the CUSTOMER command in the "Manage objects" icon menu.
    The "Manage custodians" dialog box appears. You can use the filter function at the top of the dialog box to search for the desired supervisor in extensive lists. To do this, enter the search term and then select the "Search" button or press the <RETURN> key.
  2. Double-click on the table row with the supervisor to be edited.
    Or select the table row with the supervisor to be changed and then select the "Edit selected supervisor" icon.
  3. The "Supervisor properties" dialog box appears in which you can modify the supervisor's data and address. Confirm with "OK".
  4. Then confirm the "Manage supervisor" dialog box with "OK".
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