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Open portfolio rebalancing

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

You have the following options for opening the portfolio rebalancing tool:

  • Open the workspace of a portfolio, a holder, a group or a securities account filter and switch to the "Transactions" worksheet and then to "Rebalancing".
  • Or select the "Portfolio rebalancing" icon on the "Ordering" tab.
  • Or press the key combination <CTRL>+<ALT>+<P>.
  • Or select the "Portfolio rebalancing" icon on your quick access toolbar.
    You can open portfolio rebalancing via the ribbon, keyboard shortcut or "empty" quick access toolbar (logically without an input object at first). You can then drag and drop portfolios from the Explorer, for example.
    In the "Portfolio rebalancing" worksheet, you will find the two worksheets "Rebalancing" and "Reallocation". The "Rebalancing" worksheet is intended for standardized rebalancing ("Rebalancing" mode).
    The "Manual" mode is activated in the settings of the "Rebalancing" worksheet template. Use this template for ad hoc portfolio reallocation.
    Please also read the sections Ad hoc portfolio reallocations, Settings in portfolio rebalancing and Parameter view.
  • If you have saved your own portfolio rebalancing templates, you can also open them via the command OPEN WITH TEMPLATE... in the context menu of portfolios, holders or groups in the Explorer. Please also read the following section Save portfolio rebalancing tool as a template.
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