Save portfolio rebalancing tool as a template
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
You can save your settings in the parameter view and the various view options (settings, expanded and collapsed views, displayed and hidden columns, etc.) of the portfolio rebalancing tool in the form of a template.
After entering all settings, select the FILE, SAVE command in the ribbon or the "Save" icon in the quick access toolbar. In order not to overwrite templates that have already been saved, but to save the template under a new name, select the command FILE, SAVE AS.
To open the templates of this new template type, a separate workspace area for portfolio rebalancing is available in addition to the familiar FILE, OPEN TEMPLATE path, where the favorites can be placed. When configuring the workspace, the "Portfolio rebalancing" area must be selected, then this workspace area can be opened as described above, e.g. via the "Portfolio rebalancing" icon on the "Ordering" tab. Several templates added in this way then appear as "worksheets".
Use these templates to save configured settings and access them again and again.
The "Portfolio rebalancing" worksheet is delivered with the two worksheets "Rebalancing" and "Reallocation". The underlying templates are described in the following sections.