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Ad hoc portfolio reallocations

In "Manual" rebalancing mode, the parameter view (<STRG>+<B>) has the following appearance:

A template with this setting is already prepared by default. If you open the workspace of a holder, a portfolio or a group, you will find the "Portfolio reallocation" template under the "Transactions", "Reallocation" worksheet. Start the portfolio rebalancing via the ribbon ("Ordering" tab) or the quick access bar, then you will find the "empty" template under "Portfolio rebalancing", "Rebalancing".

Here, one or more reallocation directives can be used to control which orders are to be generated.

The "Apply" button can be used to recalculate the definition for all portfolios.

All previously entered or generated orders are lost as a result of this revaluation.

Please also read the section Parameter view.

You can find out how to switch between "Manual" and "Investment agent" modes in the section Settings in portfolio rebalancing.

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