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Securities target weights

On the left-hand side of the parameter view in "Manual" mode, you can enter absolute or relative target weights for one or more securities positions.

You will find the following functions in detail:


Add new position" icon

Select this icon to add a security to the list.

Alternatively, you can also drag securities from the Explorer into the "Positions" list or select securities already contained in the securities account using the "Select security from securities account" icon.

Icon "Select security from the securities portfolio"

Select this icon to quickly select a security from the active portfolio in its menu.

Delete selected position" icon

Select this icon to remove selected securities from the list.

Delete all items" icon

Select this icon to remove all securities from the list.

Mode" column

In this column, select the desired mode for the shift. To do this, click in the table cell, open the selection list using the arrow symbol and select the desired mode. The modes in detail:

Adjust to x%

Target weight = x %

Change by +/-%

Target weight = actual weight + x%

Here the percentage entered is added to the actual weight. The change is only effective if the instrument is already in the inventory.

Change by relative +/-%

Target weight = actual weight * (1 + x%)

Here, the percentage entered acts as a relative increase or decrease in the actual weight. Typical values are +100% and -50% for a doubling or halving of the weight.

Change by Revenue x%

Target weight = actual weight + revenue * x%

The "proceeds" are the sum of the sales weights from all other instruments. A share of x% is added to the corresponding item.


Column "Weight [%]"

Enter the desired percentage weight of the item here.

Apply" button

After entering all positions and their weights, select the "Apply" button to calculate the orders for the portfolios in the portfolio list.

Below you will find some examples to illustrate the possibilities in this area:

Beispiel I: Wertpapiertausch

Sale of security A, but purchase of security B:

  • A adjust to 0%
  • B change by revenue 100%
  • If B is already in the inventory, the two items are merged.

Beispiel II: Position abspalten

Reduction of security A by 50%, but purchase of security B:

  • A change by -50%
  • B change by revenue 100%

Beispiel III: Positionen splitten

Sale of security A, but purchase of securities B and C in equal shares:

  • A adjust to 0%
  • B change by 50% revenue
  • C change by 50% revenue

Positions whose securities are not mentioned in this list are left untouched.

Informationen zu Lagerstellen

If the securities affected by the reallocations in the portfolio are distributed across several storage locations, the following applies:

  • The largest storage locations are taken into account for purchases
  • When sales are made, the smallest stock items are sold first
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