Define an alert definition message
Portfolio Service Alerting" module
If you have selected the "Define alert..." button in the "Edit alert definitions" worksheet, the "Define alert" dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can formulate the message of an alert definition using variables based on the selected data fields.
This dialog box is used to assign a message to the alert. The options depend on whether you have set individual or collective alerts. The dialog box corresponds to the dialog box that is also used for table headings, for example, but only the "Variable" field type is available.
If necessary, read the section on operation at Headings and labels with dynamic information.
Single alerts
In this case, the message can be completed using variables. To do this, you can use one of the data fields selected in the corresponding dialog box at the bottom to complete the message.
Collective alerts
Only a fixed text can be entered here. Variables are not available.