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Alert definitions

Portfolio Service Alerting" module

You configure your alerts via alert definitions. You define what triggers an alert through the configuration and, above all, through a stored table template.

The basic properties are the input object type, a table evaluation and the decision for individual or collective alerts. When calculating the alerts, the table is always calculated with an object of the corresponding type. If the table generates a result, i.e. is not empty, there are alerts. If the mode is set to collective alert, there is an alert for the entered object regardless of the number of result rows (if there is more than one). In the case of single alert mode, the number of result rows corresponds to the number of alerts that exist for the object entered.

Ultimately, this means that the table evaluation must define the result set using a suitable preformula or suitable column filtering. The data columns themselves are of secondary importance (but can be saved in addition to the alert).

The plausibility alerts for monitoring the plausibility checks created are a special case. To do this, select the "Plausibility alert" type in the alert definition and create a corresponding job.
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