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Visibility and rights in alerting

Portfolio Service Alerting" module

The alert definitions are assigned to a template zone and visibility is controlled via this zone. The visibility of the alerts depends on the corresponding read permission (see below) based on the rights to the template zone and on whether the reference object (owner, portfolio, etc.) can be seen at all.

The following object rights exist for alerting:

Object rightDescription

Edit alert definitions

You need this object right to edit or delete the alert definitions.

Presupposed right:-
Zone:Template zone

Read alerts

You need this object right to the corresponding template zone in order to see alerts from the zone.

Presupposed right:-
Zone:Template zone

Delete alerts

You need this object right to delete the alerts of a specific alert definition.

Presupposed right:-
Zone:Template zone
Attention! With this right, you can also delete alerts that you cannot see at all due to a lack of rights.

You also need system authorization to create new alert definitions:

System lawDescription

Create alert definitions

You need this right to create alert definitions.

Presupposed right:Start Infront Portfolio Manager
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