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Icons in the table window

The most important functions for editing tables can be accessed via the icons in the toolbar of the table window or via the "Table" tab in the ribbon. This tab is displayed as soon as a table is opened in the workspace.

The following overview lists the functions of the individual icons and commands. Further information on the individual topics can be found in the following chapters.

Icons in the table window:



Open objects via clipboard

Moves all displayed objects in the table to a temporary storage location and immediately opens the (standard) workspace of the first object. Thanks to this function, you do not always have to create folders in Explorer for your analyses.

In the clipboard, for example, you can navigate through the objects in the clipboard and their workspaces using the key combinations <CTRL>+<picture UP> or <CTRL>+<picture DOWN>.
If necessary, read the chapter Shelves.

Grouped display

The "Grouped display" icon toggles between grouped and ungrouped display.

Alternatively, you can find this function on the "Table" tab in the "View options" icon menu.

Group column

The "Group column" icon adds the currently selected column as a grouping column. Alternatively, you can find the command GROUP COLUMNS in the context menu of the columns.

Opening and closing

The icon opens or closes grouped blocks, the lines within a block are hidden or shown again. If there are several grouping levels, these are closed one after the other.

Adjust column width

Adjusts the width of the selected columns depending on the respective content.

If you have changed the table layout, e.g. added new columns or changed the font, you should click on this icon. The table is then rebuilt.

Refresh view

Does not recalculate the entire table, but only the entries that are affected by previous changes (e.g. parameters). The speed is therefore sometimes faster than with the "Re-evaluate" icon in the quick access toolbar.

If you have displayed the parameter and filter field, you can also update the view using the icon located there.

Display parameter
and filter settings


Opens the field for setting the parameters. More on this in the section Edit table parameters.

New column

Inserts a new column in the table and opens the function wizard for entering the column formula.

New column
Formula editor

Inserts a new column in the table and opens the formula editor to enter the column formula.

Edit column formula

Opens the formula editor to edit the column formula.

You can find more information on the formula editor at MM-Talk reference.

Edit line prefix formula

Opens the formula editor for entering/editing the line prefix formula.

Please also read the sections Line preformulas and Global variables.

Edit preformula

Opens the formula editor for entering/editing the preformula.

Show/hide columns

Opens the "Select columns" dialog box in which you can select the columns to be displayed. In many tables, some columns are hidden by default for reasons of clarity.

You cannot add new columns with this icon.

You have other options for hiding columns: Select the columns to be hidden and select the command SHOW/HID COLUMNS in the menu of the "Columns" icon on the "Table" tab. Or select the HID COLUMNS command in the context menu of selected columns.

Ascending sort

Sorts the table in ascending or descending order according to the selected column.

of the columns:
Left, Centered, Right

Aligns the selected columns left-aligned, centered or right-aligned.

Percentage format

Displays the values of the selected column as percentages.

Decimal place add/delete

Each time you click on a number in the selected column, a decimal place is added or removed.

Fix column/

Fixes or unfixes the selected column.

More on this in the section Fix columns.

Define column totals

Opens a dialog box in which you can define the necessary settings for calculating a sum, the average value or some other key figures.


Opens a window for editing the font in the selected columns.

Column color

Opens a window for editing the background color of the selected columns.

Create new diagram

Opens the "Diagram definition" window. You can find out more in the chapter Diagrams.

Cancel calculation

During the recalculation of tables, this red icon appears on the far right of the table toolbar. Clicking on this icon cancels the calculation. Use this function, for example, to adjust the filter settings if a finder search is too long.

The tables in Infront Portfolio Manager also support wheel mice. Scroll up and down the table using the wheel.

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