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Log of the generated files

Portfolio Service Batch Export Tables" module or "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

A log is written for each batch run (or for each scheduled reporting run) in which information is recorded. The *.csv file contains the following information, for example: Date, template, template type (table, report...), Explorer object, object type, user name and directory. You can also see whether the batch export (or scheduled reporting) was successful ("ok").

Specify the directory in which the log files are stored. All files are stored in the default output directory of Infront Portfolio Manager (e.g. "My files\Infront Portfolio Manager"). If necessary, use the icon on the right to select a different directory in which the log files are stored.

Beispiel für die Bezeichnung einer Protokoll-Datei im Batch-Export


The designation is composed as follows:

  • Date
  • _
  • Time
  • _
  • Batch export name
  • _
  • User name Infront Portfolio Manager

Beispiel für die Bezeichnung einer Protokoll-Datei im Scheduled Reporting


The designation is composed as follows:

  • Date
  • _
  • Time
  • _
  • User name Infront Portfolio Manager

If batch export or scheduled reporting is executed via the Portfolio Manager Server , the log file is stored in the output directory. The protocol directory configured differently here is ignored.

The file is stored according to the log file convention with the name protocol.0.log. Older log files are renamed and deleted if necessary.

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