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Open Finder

Several finders are already predefined in the Infront Portfolio Manager. Proceed as follows to open the appropriate Finder:

  1. Switch to the "Start" tab in the ribbon.
  2. If you want to search for securities accounts, select the Finder icon "Securities accounts" and the desired Finder in the drop-down menu, e.g. "Finder Portfolios".
    If you want to search for securities, select the Finder icon "Securities" and the desired Finder in the drop-down menu, e.g. "Finder Funds".
  3. The Finder workspace opens.
If you select a Finder for securities, e.g. the "Fund Finder", you can then quickly switch to the Finders for the other security types in the "Finder" workspace via the worksheets. If you select a finder from the "Securities account management" area, all securities account finders will also open here.

You can use the two Finder icons on the "Start" tab to open the following Finders in detail:

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