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Finder interested parties

Module "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process"
Module "People management"

Use the "Finder interested parties" to filter or search the interested parties by master data.

The "Finder interested parties" is stored in the open workspace of the Finder for securities account management on the "Finder interested parties" worksheet.

You open the "Finder interested parties" via the command FINDER INTERESTED PARTIES in the menu of the Finder icon "Depot objects" on the "Start" tab.

In detail, the "Finder interested parties" contains the following columns:

  • Designation
  • Interested party number
  • Created on
  • Tax rate
  • Remark
  • Surname
  • First name
  • Address
  • Place
  • Country
  • Date of birth
  • E-mail
  • Professional phone
  • Private phone
  • Data status
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