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The filter functions in the Infront Portfolio Manager help you to make a sensible selection from the large number of securities or portfolio objects. This is because only small, sensibly compiled groups of securities or portfolios can be analyzed in a truly meaningful way. You can use filters to combine objects with the same or similar properties.

The program offers you two types of filter functions, both of which are based on tables: You can use a finder to quickly display the filter results in a table. If you use the filter results frequently, you can also compile the results in a filter that is evaluated automatically or manually, depending on your specifications.

You can use both filter types either to filter input objects or to search the database. When filtering in the actual sense, the input objects are restricted, i.e. the filter conditions are applied to the input objects (e.g. the content of a folder). If you have not specified any input objects, the entire database is searched for objects that match the filter conditions.

The "Search price quotations" checkbox in the filter properties of tables is used to specify whether a filter returns security objects or price quotation objects. The content of the filter folders in the Explorer follows this definition in the filter template.

In addition to the securities filters, portfolio filters are also available. You can use these depot filters to manage your depot objects in individual filters.

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